Locust Bag

Locust Pose , or Salabhasana , is a backbend that strengthens the back, glutes and legs, while opening the chest and stretching the front of the body. This position is perfect for counteracting the effects of too much sitting, and contributes to better posture and core strength.

Correct technique

Follow these steps to perform Salabhasana correctly:

  1. Lie down on your stomach with your arms by the side of your body and palms down.
  2. Inhale and lift your head, chest, arms and legs off the floor. Keep your neck long and don't arch your back too much.
  3. Engage your core, thighs and glutes. Gently press your hips into the floor to stabilize the position.
  4. Keep your gaze straight ahead and hold the position for 5-10 breaths.
  5. Exhale and slowly lower your body back down. Repeat 2-3 times.

Common mistakes

  • Overstretching the neck : Keep the neck long and avoid stretching the head too much up. The gaze should be straight ahead or slightly down.
  • Relax your legs : Be sure to actively engage your thigh and gluteal muscles to support your back.
  • Overloading the lower back : Press the pelvis into the mat and use the core muscles to relieve the lower back.

Modifications and variations

If you're new to Locust Pose or have limited flexibility, try these modifications:

  • Single Leg Raises : Lift one leg at a time to build strength gradually.
  • Using a block : Place a block under your hips for extra support if you experience lower back discomfort.

Video demonstrations

1. Learn Locust Pose for strength and flexibility

The instructor gives a thorough introduction to how to perform Salabhasana with a focus on strength and body control.

2. Beginner's Guide to Locust Pose (Women)

This is a beginner-friendly video that demonstrates basic techniques for safely mastering the Locust Pose .

Number of repetitions and sets

Hold Salabhasana for 5-10 breaths per round. Repeat 3-5 times to build strength in your back, legs and glutes. Be sure to take breaks between each repetition to avoid overloading.

Breathing technique

Inhale deeply as you lift your body off the mat, and exhale as you lower your body back down. Keep your breathing steady and calm throughout the exercise to maintain balance and concentration.

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