Side-to-Side Jump Squats

Today's exercise is Side-to-Side Jump Squats , a plyometric exercise that strengthens the thighs , glutes and core muscles . The exercise increases explosive power, improves coordination, and challenges balance, making it a great high-intensity exercise to burn calories and tone the body.

Correct Technique for Side-to-Side Jump Squats

1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart in a squat position .
2. Jump explosively to the right side, and land softly in a squat with the knees slightly bent.
3. Immediately jump back to the left side. Repeat the movement with control.
4. Make sure to keep your chest up and your core tight throughout the exercise.

Common Errors

  • Hard landings: Make sure to land softly to avoid strain on your knees.
  • Lack of depth: Descend into a deep squat with each landing to maximize activation of the thighs and glutes.
  • Imbalance: Keep your core tight to maintain balance between jumps.

Modifications and Variants

For beginners, the exercise can be simplified by jumping to a light side squat without full force, while more advanced players can add weight or increase the intensity by jumping higher or faster.

Repetitions and Sets

Start with 3 sets of 10-12 jumps on each side. Adjust the intensity according to your fitness level, and increase the number of sets or repetitions as you get stronger.

Breathing technique

Breathe in when you go down into a squat, and exhale explosively when you jump. Continue to breathe evenly throughout the exercise.

Videos showing Side-to-Side Jump Squats

Watch this video for a visual demonstration:

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